Battle For Death Island: Revenge

When I was younger, I was a huge fan of the show Battle For Dream Island.
Not anymore.
It all started on June 7th of 2014. It had been two years and a half since the first season of BFDI had ended, and I thought I would take a trip down memory lane and view some of the old episodes from when the show was new. I decided to watch the show from the beginning all the way up to the fifth episode. As soon as I hit play and watched the first few seconds, I automatically knew that something was up, though I couldn't pinpoint it. One of the first things that came to my attention was the intro. When the text "Battle For Dream Island" appeared on screen, something seemed to "flash" for a split second. One part of me wanted to just brush it off and keep going, but the other was curious to look at it again. I chose to do the latter and I paused the video right when the screen "flashed". What I saw shocked me. The word "Dream" had changed to "DEATH" in all caps and dark red lettering and the background had went from a bright landscape to splatters of blood. At first, I thought it was just a little extra thing added by the producers for Halloween or something, but I then remembered that the release date of the episode was May 1st. I also remembered that it was never there before. If it was, I would have seen it when I was younger. Out of curiosity, I continued to watch. I noticed various things throughout the episode that seemed unsettling and out of place. One was a bloody knife next to the character Ice Cube. Another was a splatter of blood on the ground. The third was the most unsettling. One of the characters, Leafy, was on the ground dead with obvious knife wounds. All three of these things seemed to connect. I had many questions, and I desired answers. Had Ice Cube gotten the "revenge" she wanted? I was frightened, but continued on because I was curious of what was happening. As I watched, I saw more and more dead characters and blood and I grew more and more fearful until Ice Cube was the only one left. She looked towards the screen and it cut to static. I was scared beyond belief at this point. I didn't know what was going on. "Please," I thought to myself. "Please let this all be a dream." It was when I pinched myself that I realized this was no dream. The static started to fade after a while and I could make out a picture of what looked like Ice Cube surrounded by the dead object characters. In blood-written letters was the word "REVENGE" at the bottom. What stood out to me the most was Ice Cube herself. She was covered in blood, two large, black circles replaced her eyes and she had a huge toothless smile that stretched across her face. In her hand--er, foot was her knife, caked in fresh blood. I was on the verge of crying. I tried to close the tab, but it didn't work. I even tried powering it off, but no luck. Then, Ice Cube cried out "I GOT MY REVENGE!" in a screechy, demonic tone then she started mercilessly hacking at my screen with her knife. My monitor began to shatter. I burst out screaming and crying. I forcefully unplugged my laptop, grabbed a hammer and smashed it until it was nothing but a pile of broken plastic and circuitry. I lay there, still traumatized by what I had seen.
I never watched another episode of BFDI and I never will. Whenever I see anything related to BFDI, all I think of, is "revenge".
And then a skeleton popped out and killed me